By Justin Gray
’ve often wondered what the last words of an Atheist would be. As they lie helplessly upon their bed, writhing in pain or slowly withering away as death creeps over them. What happens when they are faced with the rigid finality of death and the potential annihilation of their being?

What words, if any, could force their way through the harsh philosophical matrix of the Atheist to touch the one who attends their bedside?
I imagine that in this moment death makes a world once ripe with answers, seem shrunken beyond words.
For if “I love you” doesn’t work then what is left to say? To speak of any enduring virtues would be a lie, but to stare defiantly into the darkness saying nothing would be equally shameful. All the doors seem to slam shut on what can be said, however one possibility remains. They may dare to be honest.
“I love you, but soon I will love you no more. Love is only for this life, and so I must leave it behind. So enjoy love while you have it, because one day you will surrender it to death. Goodbye.” – the Atheist
“I love you, but soon I will love you no more. Love is only for this life, and so I must leave it behind. So enjoy love while you have it, because one day you will surrender it to death. Goodbye.” – the Atheist
1 Corinthians 13:13