Monday, December 5, 2011

Remembering A Breeze

By Justin Gray

If there is such a thing as an "almost-midlife crisis" I probably had one about six months ago; the major differences being that I didn't make extravagant purchases, or gallivant around town with some woman half my age (which by the way would be pretty sick since I'm only 29).

However, I did feel my life circumstances squeezing me like a summer grape causing me to look for fulfillment apart from Christ. As a songwriter, I thought the answer was in my music; as a husband I thought the answer was in my marriage; as a minister I thought the answer was in sharing the gospel and boy was I wrong. The answer came, but not the way I expected.

As I slept one night I had a dream. I was a boy again laying in my favorite chair on my parent's sun porch. I suddenly remembered why I often found myself curled up there on hot afternoons; I loved the breeze.

It wasn't until I woke up the next morning that I realized I had forgotten what a breeze felt like. I didn't necessarily forget the physical sensation of the wind against my skin, but I had forgotten how the breeze made me feel. Warm, refreshing, innocent, simple are some of the words that come to mind when I think of those moments.

What does this have to do with my "almost-midlife crisis" you ask? Simply put, I realized that my life had become too complicated. Amidst the swirling winds of life I lost my appreciation for the simple things. I'm sorry if you're disappointed. I realize that this story is pretty anticlimactic, but it's my story and I'm sticking to it. No fire from heaven. No angelic host. Just a breeze. And when the storms of life are raging I will do well to remember it.

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